Can the Beacon Technology transform the Retail Market?

beacon technology in retail market

The beacon technology is meant to transform the entire customer dealing experience for retailers and the Retail Market. Further, the beacon technology is way more advanced and effective as compared to just providing exceptional customer service and marketing the right products. So, let’s see if the Beacon Technology actually has the potential to transform the Retail Market.   

How can the Beacon Technology transform the Retail Market?

Beacon Technology is advanced and certainly has several benefits. Therefore it will not be wrong if we say that this technology has the potential to transform the retail market. We at Teranoid are striving to provide you with the most authentic and useful information. So, below, we shall discuss the how the Beacon Technology can transform the Retail Market.

Beacon technology makes the shopping experience seamless

As mentioned, above, the Beacon technology sends signals to the mobile phones. Further, these beacons help customers know more about the store that they are in and the products that they might be interested in. in addition, it is through the beacon technology that the entire shopping experience is made seamless. That is to say, the customers are not just informed about the store products and what they can buy; instead the beacon technology also offers several other features. Moreover, the customers can also know if the item is available in the store or not.  

Eddystone and the power of beacons for the retail market

We are aware by now that the beacon technology is being used in the retail market for long. However with the Eddystone advancement, the beacon technology has moved to the next level. In short, it is through the Eddystone beacon language that the gadget performs exceptionally well. Further, beacons have the potential to communicate with mobiles devices such as android and Ios.

Insight into the consumer behavior for the retail market

Beacons also give retailers deep insight into the customer behavior. That is to say, it is through the beacon technology that retailers are able to know how the customers like the products and which ads are they responding more to. However, in addition to providing customer insights, the technology also ensures that the customers information is safe and does not reach a third party.

In addition, marketers can also easily see which ads are working well and which are not. earlier if retailers had to monitor how their marketing strategies are doing, they had to conduct surveys. However, now with the beacon technology, retailers can easily know about how their marketing strategies and ads through the beacon technology are impacting consumers.

Transform the Retail market by Targeting customers rightly

Beacon provides retailers with big data. Therefore, retailers can use this data to reach out to customers even outside the store. That is to say, if a customer left the store without making any purchase, retailers can know which areas of the store they were present more. Consequently, they know which items the consumer was interested in. further, retailers can also know if the consumer spent time in the changing room, in case of an apparel store. Consequently, the retailers can plan their marketing strategies accordingly and reach out to the customer. So, in this way beacons are very useful as they have the potential to target the consumers with what they really want and are interested in.        


To conclude, we would like to say that the beacon technology is certainly transforming the retail world. That is to say, now the marketing has reached a new level due to beacons. In short, now retailers are able to practice the location based marketing, which could not have been imagined in the past. So the beacon technology is transforming the retail world in the true sense.

An introduction to the Beacon technology

beacon technology

The retail world is full with the news of the Beacon Technology. In addition, most retailers are aware of the technology. For those of you, who are not yet aware of the term, this article will help you understand the beacon technology and what its use is for retailers. Certainly, our aim is to help retailers prosper and do better, therefore the Teranoid team has come with an introductory article on Beacons.   

What is the Beacon Technology?

Beacons are devices that work based on the Bluetooth instilled in them. This device transmits the data and then passes it on to the other Bluetooth enabled devices. These gadgets are really small in size. That is to say, they can easily fit in the person’s palm. Further, these devices are smart enough to transmit data from Bluetooth enabled devices such as smart phones, tablets etc. As a result, they send customized messages to the devices for marketing purposes.

What retailers can do is that they can install the Beacon technology in their stores. Further, retailers can send messages to the customers according to their preferences and demands. For example, when a customer enters the shop, retailers can send them welcome messages. If they are leaving the store, they can send them goodbye message and a message that says “hope to see you again.” In the same way, retailers can also send messages to customers about products based on their previous purchases.

In addition to just in-store messaging, Beacon technology is way more than that. That is to say, they can also be used for contactless payment and automatic check-in.

Should Retailers opt for the Beacon Technology?  

Beacon technology is a very advanced form of technology. Further, the retailers that are making use of it are finding the product very useful. That is to say, certainly, the stores that are using this technology are receiving better customer response. In addition, I would highly focus on the fact that the customer today is modern and smart. Consequently, they do not mind the use of such technology. In fact, they appreciate such stores that are advanced and up to date.     

How can Retailers use the Beacon Technology?

For retailers to use the beacon technology in store, they need to use the apps that enable the beacon technology. The app must be installed in the customer’s phone. Although, the customer can develop app of their own to make the process work. However, if retailers are not that well established and also if it’s a bit tricky for them to do so, they can simply use the Beacon enabling apps.

Implementing the Beacon Technology in Stores

Retailers can implement beacons in their stores by following the below mentioned tips.

Testing the Beacon Technology

Certainly, retailers want to use the right product. So, they must test the product before practically using it. Retailers need to ensure that the beacon must work throughout the store. Further, they also need to ensure that they receive the data that they require. Certainly, retailers do not want the gadget to not work properly. As a result of a weak system, customers will get frustrated and this will further result in losing sales.    

Staff Training with the Beacon Technology

The Beacon technology is mostly automated. That is to say, it works on its own. However, retailers and the employees must not leave it on its own due to its self-sufficing feature. So, retailers need to ensure that the staff is well trained because they must know how the gadget works. Further, they must also know how to derive data from beacons and know what more can it do for them.


These are the two most essential factors when it comes to effectively using the beacon technology in retail stores. So, this was a brief introduction on the technology. However, in the preceding article, we shall discuss if the beacon technology has the power and potential to transform the retail market or not. So, keep reading and let us know what else you would like to know about.

Blogging Tips for Retailers to get more Customers

blogging tips

Blogging is an integral part of promotion and marketing. Moreover, if it is done the right way, it can be a great way to boost sales and increase customers. Certainly, blogging gives retailers the opportunity to connect with customers, promote their products and draw customers towards shopping. However, writing an effective blog requires expertise. Further, there are some retail blogging tips that retailers and their content strategist teams must follow. In this article, we shall discuss some of the most effective blogging tips that retailers must adopt.

Retail Blogging Tips   

The Teranoid team has come up with some effective and useful blogging tips for retailers so they can attract more customers and increase sales.

Blogging tips include adding images

Certainly, images play an integral part in drawing customer attention. So, retailers must make it a point to include images within the blogs. Further, there should not be a specific rule regarding adding only a single image. That is to say, it is better if there are more images than one because that is what attracts customer attention. In addition, the images help readers better understand the services that they provide or the product that they are talking about. However, the images must be accurate and in correspondence with the topic.     

Retail Blogging Tips also include adding relevant & seasonal blogs

Retailers need to upgrade the window displays in their brick and mortar stores. In the same vein, they also need to ensure that blogging contains seasonal content. That is to say, they must include blogs relating to holiday season and other events that take place throughout the year. In short, customers are excited when it comes to holidays and special occasions. Moreover, it is the best time to attract customers as they are already aiming to shop. So retailers can attract customers to shop through blogs and posts.

Include Employee of the month Post, an effective Blogging Tip

Promoting employees and their hard work is essential. Further, this motivation must be included in the blogs. That is to say, retailers must include blogs that feature the employees and their experiences. Further, retailers must also include posts such as employee of the month etc. in addition, through such posts retailers are also informing customers how well they treat their employees and what their working environment looks like.

Blogging Tip for CEOs

Another significant tip regarding blogging is that the CEO must be a part of the blogs. That is to say, the CEO of the company must also add in their voice once a while in the blog section. They should write blogs and inform the customers who they are and how they are also linked with them. Further, it will also show customers that the company values them and the owners of the brand are not alienated with them. Moreover, it will help build customer trust and they can associate themselves more to brands whose bosses and owners connect with the customers.

Interact with the customers through Blogs

Interacting with the customers is an essential part of blogging. That is to say, retailers must write blogs in such a manner that they engage customers rather than just making it a platform to impart knowledge. So retailers must ensure that they interact with the customers more in the blogs. For example, in case of fashion brand, while promoting the new holiday collection, retailers can engage customers by asking about their holiday plans or what they are planning to wear on certain holiday occasions.  


These are some of the retail blogging tips that retailers must follow. As a result, they shall attract more customers through blogging. So blogging certainly is an integral part of retail. Retailers must focus on these aspects of marketing because it has become the need to attract modern consumers.   

“You can buy attention (advertising). You can beg for attention from the media (PR). You can bug people one at a time to get attention (sales). Or you can earn attention by creating something interesting and valuable and then publishing it online for free.”

David Meerman Scott, Marketing Strategist

Customer Thinking & Opinions Retailers need to be aware of

customer thinking

One of the most significant elements when it comes to improving business is to know customers better and treating them the way they expect. That is to say, knowing customer thinking better will make retailers take the right decisions when it comes to selecting products and marketing them. Certainly, if customers are happy and satisfied the business will always thrive. So, retailers need to continuously put effort in understanding the customers. In this article, we shall discuss a few ways that shall help retailers know customer thinking.

Customer Thinking & Opinions

The Teranoid team has compiled for you some common and important customer thoughts and views regarding shopping. That is to say, what they expect and how they want their shopping experience to be. Further, we shall also discuss what retailers can do to fulfill the customer expectations.         

Customer Thinking #1: Having Exceptional Shopping Experience

Customer is concerned about the shopping experience that you provide to them. That is to say, the modern customer is smart. Consequently, they expect their shopping experience to be advanced. For example, they want smart payment methods. Secondly they also expect that they are informed about sales, promotions and new stock. So, for this matter, retailers need to gather the data so that they can keep in touch with the customers because not keeping in touch these days means losing the customer. That is to say, there are high chances of the customer moving on to the other brand because the competition is huge.

Knowing about the customer better will certainly give you information about the types of customers you have and what their needs and demands are. For example, retailers will know most customers are of a certain age and gender. Consequently, they can plan their merchandise accordingly. Further, you can also send them tailored messages based on their purchase history and likes.   

Customer Thinking #2: Get to know the customer thoughts regarding store

Talking about customer thoughts, you need to know what customer thoughts are regarding the store. That is to say, are the customers fascinated by the window displays? Do they like the store displays and products? Once you know customer thoughts on your store, you can plan accordingly. Further, you can also monitor and observe minutely customer reaction to store layout and various other elements. Consequently, retailers can plan their store accordingly and make use of such displays that make shopping easy and comfortable for the customers.     

Customer Thinking #3: Customers want you to engage with them

Having regular communication with the customer is essential because customers stay loyal to a brand that stays in touch with them. That is to say, the customers want the brand to not just appreciate them for being loyal but also inform them separately about the store latest news and updates such as sales, promotions and new merchandise. However, the tricky part is when retailers do not know how often they should contact the customers. So, for this, retailers can simply ask the employees. For example, while they shop or at the checkout. Further, retailers can also contact customers through email or text messages and know about it by conversing with them. It is through the POS System that retailers can collect and save customer information and contact them later.

On the other hand, you also need to make sure that you are not bothering the customers. That is to say, converse with them but not to an extent where they get annoyed and leave the store.


By knowing customer thinking and putting effort to make them happy is the goal of retailers. So have insights into customer expectations and needs is essential or retailers. Consequently, this makes the customer experience exceptional, which results in good sales.      

How to achieve the desired Retail Sales Target

Certainly, sales are important for retailers. Therefore, retailers do whatever they can in order to reach the retail sales target. However, the first and the basic step to achieve the retail sales target is to set the right sales target. Each company is different. Consequently, they shall plan their retail sales target accordingly. In other words, there are no set rules that retailers need to follow in order to set their sales targets.

Tips to achieve the desired Retail Sales Target

The Teranoid team has come up with some tips and ways that shall help retailers achieve the desired Retail target.    

Retail Sales Target should be achievable

Setting goals is tricky and requires attention and focus. That is to say, retail target must be achievable but they should not be so easy to achieve. In other words, they must be a bit challenging. By setting the right goals that are neither extremely challenging, nor too simple will make the staff work towards achieving it. In other words, the staff will be de-motivated if the goals set are difficult and not easy to achieve.     

Focusing on the Retail Sales Target

Once the retail target is set, retailers need to then work towards it. That is to say, just setting the goals is not enough. Encouraging the staff to continuously work towards achieving those goals is of equal importance. So, retailers must keep talking about the goals that they have to achieve every day. Further, an effective way to do this is to talk to the entire staff at the beginning of the day. Moreover, retailers also need to ask them about their progress so that the staff knows that they are answerable and that they cannot be lazy. Consequently, they will work better and more effectively. Moreover, this also motivates them to work better.

Share Sales Target  incentives & give employees bonuses  

Giving bonuses to employees is also necessary. It motivates employees and encourages them to work better. However, retailers need to take care that the incentives do not affect the working of the employees. That is to say, at times the employees are only interested in the incentive and bonuses. Consequently, they work only for the purpose of achieving and in doing so the quality of the work gets affected. So, retailers need to ensure that they keep check on the employees, and give bonuses and incentives only when the employee reaches the retail sales target. Further, retailers also need to ensure that the quality of the work must not be affected.    

Employee training for effective retail target goals

Training employees is essential when it comes to reaching the target sales. So, in case employees are not working efficiently despite motivation and encouragement, retailers must invest in training sessions. Further, when it comes to selling, the staff needs to be aware of how to sell products and what to sell the customers. So, it is necessary that retailers invest in proper employee training.