Blogging Tips for Retailers to get more Customers

Blogging is an integral part of promotion and marketing. Moreover, if it is done the right way, it can be a great way to boost sales and increase customers. Certainly, blogging gives retailers the opportunity to connect with customers, promote their products and draw customers towards shopping. However, writing an effective blog requires expertise. Further, there are some retail blogging tips that retailers and their content strategist teams must follow. In this article, we shall discuss some of the most effective blogging tips that retailers must adopt.

Retail Blogging Tips   

The Teranoid team has come up with some effective and useful blogging tips for retailers so they can attract more customers and increase sales.

Blogging tips include adding images

Certainly, images play an integral part in drawing customer attention. So, retailers must make it a point to include images within the blogs. Further, there should not be a specific rule regarding adding only a single image. That is to say, it is better if there are more images than one because that is what attracts customer attention. In addition, the images help readers better understand the services that they provide or the product that they are talking about. However, the images must be accurate and in correspondence with the topic.     

Retail Blogging Tips also include adding relevant & seasonal blogs

Retailers need to upgrade the window displays in their brick and mortar stores. In the same vein, they also need to ensure that blogging contains seasonal content. That is to say, they must include blogs relating to holiday season and other events that take place throughout the year. In short, customers are excited when it comes to holidays and special occasions. Moreover, it is the best time to attract customers as they are already aiming to shop. So retailers can attract customers to shop through blogs and posts.

Include Employee of the month Post, an effective Blogging Tip

Promoting employees and their hard work is essential. Further, this motivation must be included in the blogs. That is to say, retailers must include blogs that feature the employees and their experiences. Further, retailers must also include posts such as employee of the month etc. in addition, through such posts retailers are also informing customers how well they treat their employees and what their working environment looks like.

Blogging Tip for CEOs

Another significant tip regarding blogging is that the CEO must be a part of the blogs. That is to say, the CEO of the company must also add in their voice once a while in the blog section. They should write blogs and inform the customers who they are and how they are also linked with them. Further, it will also show customers that the company values them and the owners of the brand are not alienated with them. Moreover, it will help build customer trust and they can associate themselves more to brands whose bosses and owners connect with the customers.

Interact with the customers through Blogs

Interacting with the customers is an essential part of blogging. That is to say, retailers must write blogs in such a manner that they engage customers rather than just making it a platform to impart knowledge. So retailers must ensure that they interact with the customers more in the blogs. For example, in case of fashion brand, while promoting the new holiday collection, retailers can engage customers by asking about their holiday plans or what they are planning to wear on certain holiday occasions.  


These are some of the retail blogging tips that retailers must follow. As a result, they shall attract more customers through blogging. So blogging certainly is an integral part of retail. Retailers must focus on these aspects of marketing because it has become the need to attract modern consumers.   

“You can buy attention (advertising). You can beg for attention from the media (PR). You can bug people one at a time to get attention (sales). Or you can earn attention by creating something interesting and valuable and then publishing it online for free.”

David Meerman Scott, Marketing Strategist

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