Customer Thinking & Opinions Retailers need to be aware of

One of the most significant elements when it comes to improving business is to know customers better and treating them the way they expect. That is to say, knowing customer thinking better will make retailers take the right decisions when it comes to selecting products and marketing them. Certainly, if customers are happy and satisfied the business will always thrive. So, retailers need to continuously put effort in understanding the customers. In this article, we shall discuss a few ways that shall help retailers know customer thinking.

Customer Thinking & Opinions

The Teranoid team has compiled for you some common and important customer thoughts and views regarding shopping. That is to say, what they expect and how they want their shopping experience to be. Further, we shall also discuss what retailers can do to fulfill the customer expectations.         

Customer Thinking #1: Having Exceptional Shopping Experience

Customer is concerned about the shopping experience that you provide to them. That is to say, the modern customer is smart. Consequently, they expect their shopping experience to be advanced. For example, they want smart payment methods. Secondly they also expect that they are informed about sales, promotions and new stock. So, for this matter, retailers need to gather the data so that they can keep in touch with the customers because not keeping in touch these days means losing the customer. That is to say, there are high chances of the customer moving on to the other brand because the competition is huge.

Knowing about the customer better will certainly give you information about the types of customers you have and what their needs and demands are. For example, retailers will know most customers are of a certain age and gender. Consequently, they can plan their merchandise accordingly. Further, you can also send them tailored messages based on their purchase history and likes.   

Customer Thinking #2: Get to know the customer thoughts regarding store

Talking about customer thoughts, you need to know what customer thoughts are regarding the store. That is to say, are the customers fascinated by the window displays? Do they like the store displays and products? Once you know customer thoughts on your store, you can plan accordingly. Further, you can also monitor and observe minutely customer reaction to store layout and various other elements. Consequently, retailers can plan their store accordingly and make use of such displays that make shopping easy and comfortable for the customers.     

Customer Thinking #3: Customers want you to engage with them

Having regular communication with the customer is essential because customers stay loyal to a brand that stays in touch with them. That is to say, the customers want the brand to not just appreciate them for being loyal but also inform them separately about the store latest news and updates such as sales, promotions and new merchandise. However, the tricky part is when retailers do not know how often they should contact the customers. So, for this, retailers can simply ask the employees. For example, while they shop or at the checkout. Further, retailers can also contact customers through email or text messages and know about it by conversing with them. It is through the POS System that retailers can collect and save customer information and contact them later.

On the other hand, you also need to make sure that you are not bothering the customers. That is to say, converse with them but not to an extent where they get annoyed and leave the store.


By knowing customer thinking and putting effort to make them happy is the goal of retailers. So have insights into customer expectations and needs is essential or retailers. Consequently, this makes the customer experience exceptional, which results in good sales.      

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