Up selling & Cross-selling in Retail & Ways to Implement them

up selling and cross selling

It will not be wrong if we say that selling is an art. In other words, there are tricky situations in retail which test the skills of a shopper. For example, after closing the sale, a customer demands a product. Hence, in such a situation, how can sellers persuade the customer to shop? To clarify, sellers must not leave the opportunity to attend to their customers and avail of the chances of sales. Therefore, upselling and cross-selling are the two major techniques sellers should be a master of. As a result, it will increase sales.

“Don’t celebrate closing a sale, celebrate opening a relationship.”

–Patricia Fripp

Upselling & Cross-selling

Cross-selling means promoting and recommending products that are similar to the one the customer is in need of. On the other hand, upselling means offering a more costly item as compared to the one the customer intends to buy. That is to say, both these selling tactics help retailers increase sales and enhance customer service at the same time.

In addition, the essence of upselling and cross-selling is doing it when it is required. That is to say, at the right time and wisely. In other words, if the seller upsells or cross-sells a product that is irrelevant or in case the upselling and cross-selling becomes forceful and assertive, sellers are most likely to lose the customer, instead of increasing sales. Therefore it is essential that sellers should know exactly how, when and which products to upsell and cross-sell.

Upselling and Cross-selling Tips

Sellers should keep in mind a few points before implementing upselling and cross-selling. So, we at Teranoid have compiled some significant points for you that shall help you implement upselling and cross-selling in a better way.

Is the Product Relevant?

Firstly, the sellers need to make sure that the product they are upselling should be relevant to the item buyer is purchasing. In other words, the meaning and purpose of upselling and cross-selling is promoting relevant items. Moreover, sellers should make sure that the product they are upselling should be better than the one they are already purchasing. Otherwise, the whole point of upselling becomes aimless and ineffective.

Is the product Beneficial?

There are situations in which the up and cross-selling products might complement the other product but is not beneficial to the customers. For example, upselling the product that they are not in need of will do no benefit. Hence, sellers should know well the customer before they plan upselling and cross-selling. Therefore relate to the customer by inquiring about their needs. As a result, suggest them relevant items that are of use to them.

“Care enough to create value for customers, if you get that part right, selling is easy.”

–Anthony Iannarino  

Are they willing to spend more?

It can easily be judged by interacting with customers from which category of buyers they belong. For example, if the customers have made it clear that they only need to buy one product, then sellers should not waste their and the consumer’s time by offering more items.

How to Implement Upselling & Cross-selling

Talk about the Benefits and Value of the Products

It is difficult to attract the attention of customers if sellers only focus on explaining the product features. In other words, to promote upselling and cross-selling, sellers need to tell customers about how the product is beneficial and of value to them. For example, an apparel store can actually depict and showcase the upselling and cross-selling items by placing them along with the matching and relevant piece of clothing. On the other hand, in some cases, sellers can upsell and cross-sell by simply making consumers picture the product. For example, stores that offer electronic devices and gadgets offer warranties and insurances. As a result, consumers are fascinated by such offers. Therefore, retailers implement upselling and cross-selling using real-life stories and experiences.

Be Reasonable with Pricing Upselling Products

An important thing to keep in mind while implementing upselling and cross-selling is to be reasonable when it comes to pricing. That is to say if a customer buys a product worth $500 and the cross-selling item is worth $600 it is not appropriate. Moreover, sellers need to be vigilant and have a keen eye to know what to expect from the customers. Consequently, offer them products accordingly.

Give Rewards along with the Upselling Products

Certainly giving customers some rewards or gifts can prove to be very effective in cross-selling and up-selling. For example, many companies are offering free shipping if customers buy a required product that reaches a specific amount. On the other hand, brick-and-mortar stores can offer free gifts along with up and cross-selling products.

Upselling; A Skill   

The salesperson should know well how to sell upselling and cross-selling products. That is to say, selling is an art therefore, retailers need to understand this and train their employees accordingly. Hence how the seller sells matters more as compared to any other factor. In case, salespersons feel they are not able to persuade consumers, they should change the way they are dealing with them and adopt new and more effective communication tactics to gain better results.   

“How you sell matters. What your process is matters. But how your customers feel when they engage with you matters more.”  

–Tiffani Bova

Therefore, retailers need to figure out customer behavior and approach first. As a result, retailers should create upsellings and cross-selling strategies and plans accordingly.

How can Retailers make their Cashiers Standout?

cashiers standout

How can Retailers make their Cashiers Standout?

Certainly, cashiers control the dealings in the stores. In other words, they are the ones that can leave either a good or a bad impression on the consumers. Consequently, it affects the sales and productivity of the store. Therefore retailers need to ensure that the cashiers are influencing and capable because retailers cannot afford to lose their consumers because of bad-tempered or inexperienced cashier. Lets see which ways can be implemented through which retailers can make their cashiers stand out and be effective.  

Cashier should Understand Consumer Behavior and Expectations

The expectations of the customers from cashiers have changed in recent years. That is to say, in the past people preferred such customers who greeted them politely. In other words, such cashiers were considered good and effective who led their customers through the entire store. As a result, this helped them support their customers and provide them with their desired products. However, the way of the cashiers that pleased the customers in the past can prove to be a reason for chasing out the customers from stores today. For example, introvert customers might not find it pleasing that cashiers are following them throughout the store. In other words, they will be more comfortable if left alone. Therefore retailers need to understand first what each customer’s behavior is and what they demand from their employees and cashiers.   

Cahier should Be Alert and Responsive

In the modern age, customer service is of prime importance. Therefore, cashiers need to be aware of this fact. In other words, they should know well how to respond to the customers well. Further, they should also be well-acquainted with the ways on how to cater to a wide group of customers. As mentioned above, cashiers should not be chasing customers if they feel uncomfortable. On the other hand, they must not also remain busy using their phones while the store and customers remain unattended.

Therefore, retailers need to train their customers for this. For example, they can teach them the ways and methods through which cashier can interact productively with their customers. Consequently, it will help retailers interact with their customers in an effective manner. Further, it will help them address different customer situations.   

Product Training for Cashiers

Customers do not visit the brick and mortar stores for convenience today. They are more interested in physically viewing the product and its specifications if they intend to buy it. Further, they want to know more about the product, for example, some added information that they might have missed online. Moreover, today retail robotics are implemented in stores. In other words, there are self-checkout stores these days. As a result, cashiers are taking on a more important role; interacting with the customers and solving their queries. Therefore, it is imperative that cashiers should be well informed about the product.

Product Guides for Cashiers

Certainly, cashier cannot have knowledge of the entire store’s products. In other words, it is unrealistic to expect this. On the other hand, it is a reality that some customers do not expect such behavior. That is to say, they want to know what they inquire from their cashiers. Moreover, retailers cannot lose the chance to create a good impression on their customers. How can retailers solve this complex matter? Well, the answer to this is simple. There are product guides available. These product guides allow cashiers to get themselves trained in free time. Firstly, these guides have detailed descriptions of the product. Secondly, they include a few significant details that cashiers can share with the customers. Thirdly, at times they also mention other products that can be offered to the customers along with the product. Further, it also mentions the product usage and care.

Therefore these product guides should be placed along with the cashiers’ counter so that can access it when they have time. Consequently, it will help cashiers serve their customers in a better and more effective manner. In addition, there is no harm if the cashier check first and then let the customers know what they have asked. In other words, it is better that the cashiers provide customers with the right knowledge instead of delivering incorrect information to the customers.                 


If the retailers have been losing their customers because of long waiting lines, then the store’s cashier are too slow. Therefore retailers need to make sure that such hindrances in customer behavior should be taken care of. Moreover, it is the cashiers that help consumers decide if they shall shop again or not from the store. Another effective and helpful way that solves all issues and complex cashier procedures is using a good Point of Sale system. As a result, this will help save the customers time and provide necessary details in no time that otherwise the cashiers struggle to find.   

How can Seasonal Business owners stay Secure throughout the year?

Business Owners

How can Seasonal Business owners stay Secure throughout the year?

Seasonal businesses are certainly profitable but they come along with its repercussions. In other words, seasonal business owners dread the offseason loss. In short, sales decrease and there no sign of customers in the store. But that does not stop the business owners from progressing. Further, they should not just sit back, relax and stop their store’s proceedings.

How can Seasonal Business Owners Remain profitable throughout the year

In this article, we shall discuss the ways and provide seasonal business owners with the ideas that shall enable them to stay profitable throughout the year.

Seasonal Business Owners should Think of Productive Ways

Retailers can think of ways that shall help enhance their sales even during the offseason. In other words, it is not essential that the seasonal businesses will only do well in their season. Therefore retailers can introduce variety to their business. That is to say, they can think of other ways through which they can get their sales going even during the offseason. For example, they can introduce new products that are in during the offseason. Further business owner can cater to other customer needs. As a result, they shall be able to attract customers more in the offseason.

Seasonal Business Owners should Change Tactics & Location

Seasonal business owner should keep in mind that their products can do well at other locations. In other words, the seasonal products that are not in demand at one place or among a few customers might be in demand somewhere else. For example, stores that sell seasonal clothes can offer shipment to other countries when the season changes in their own country. Further, seasonal business owners can reduce the shipment price and run campaigns that promote their products. Therefore seasonal business owners can look for such opportunities. In other words, they can see if their products are in demand in other countries. Consequently, they can sell accordingly and enhance their sales this way.

Business Owners can Maintain Loyalty be Remaining active on Social Media

Social media is very effective in terms of expanding customers. Further, it also helps business owners to stay in touch with their customers even during the offseason. Therefore an effective way for business owners to keep their consumers engaged during the offseason is to not lose their contact. Moreover, this way they can make their customers feel that they care about them. Hence, seasonal business owners should keep their social media accounts active. Further, they can utilize this time by educating their customers about their business. Consequently, it helps retailers build their community. Moreover, it ensures that the customers are loyal and are willing to remain with them.   

Save money in the offseason by cutting down on expenses

In case, the business is really slow during the offseason, seasonal business owner can reduce their expenses. For example, if the store does not have a lot of traffic, seasonal business owner can reduce the number of their staff members. Secondly, they can check the hours of the day that are least profitable. Therefore, if possible, seasonal business owners can manage their business according to profitable hours.

Thirdly, lower down the business subscriptions and services. Further, business owners can ask their vendors if they can freeze their accounts for the offseason. Teranoid provides this service to its clients. It provides users the access to use the terminal even if they decide to take time off or in case of off-season. In other words, it allows customers to access their data even if they are not using the software. Further, they can reduce costs by renting out their space. Therefore they can find retailers who are willing to share their floor space and expenses. This shall greatly help business owner financially.

Strategize and Plan

Business owners can access the performance of their company. Further, they can plan their goals or evaluate how successful they have been in achieving their business goals. Consequently, they shall be able to determine the strategies that went right. Hence they can plan to adopt the same pattern in the coming year. For example, inventory, staffing, administration, vendors, etc. business owner can look into these matters and analyze them. As a result, their offseason time will not go to waste, instead, it will be productive.       


Being a business owner is demanding. Being a seasonal business owner is even more difficult and tough because in such a case business owners are only able to gain profit during a particular part of the year. Therefore, retailers can follow the above-mentioned tactics, to keep their offseason productive and secure. In other words, the offseason can be an effective time of the year that helps seasonal business owner strategize. This will help make their offseason secure and not useless

How to Adopt “Afterpay” in Stores



Afterpay is a practice that allows customers to shop while they shall pay later. Moreover, the later payment is free from any interest and extra added price. In short, customers will simply pay the product amount that they bought, later in installments.

In the competitive retail world, it is imperative that retailers provide facilities to their customers. That is to say, retailers should provide convenience and budget-friendly services to their customers. Therefore retailers should help their customers in managing the budget while they plan to shop. Consequently, customers will be able to shop freely. Further, it will bring in the element of trust and loyalty. Therefore for this reason retailers can implement afterpay in their stores.

Afterpay provides convenience to customers. That is to say, they can buy their products in time without worrying about paying the full payment at the time of purchase.

Tips to implement Afterpay in stores

Use appropriate Afterpay Signage

The customers will not know about the afterpay, if they are not informed properly. Therefore, it is a convenient way to inform customers that the store offers the facility of afterpay. Further, the material required for signage is easily accessible to retailers. Therefore retailers can take help from the online information available. Consequently, they should implement the signage in their stores.

Firstly retailers can implement signage at the front door that simply states that the store offers after pay. Secondly, retailers should implement more signage in stores that mentions details of the after pay. For example how it works and what is its procedure. Further, if retailers plan to give postcards to customers in their shopping bags, they can give more details on it. That is to say, they can add its benefits and uses.

Educate Employees about Afterpay

Employees play a significant role in dealing with customers and enhancing sales. Therefore it is essential that employees are trained properly about afterpay. if they are completely new to it, then educate them with how the afterpay works. Further, they should know well the advantages of afterpay. Moreover, retailers can implement conversing with their employees about the afterpay. The best way to acquaint someone with something is to talk to them about it. In other words, the more people converse about something, the more people are educated towards it. In short, role-playing is a very effective technique when educating someone. Moreover, retailers should always welcome questions relating to afterpay.  

Use Afterpay to promote Sales

Retailers can use Afterpay to promote sales in their stores. That is to say, they can promote up-selling and cross-selling while promoting afterpay. Certainly, retailers are not willing to buy extra products, most importantly because of their price. However, if employees inform them that they can pay in installments for the product will relieve them. Consequently, they shall easily invest in the product without stressing. In addition, retailers and employees can intentionally add the conversation of afterpay while the customers shop. That is to say, they can promote related and corresponding items to the shopper while offering them to pay later.       

Be more accessible & Obvious

After pay is becoming popular gradually. Therefore retailers should inform their customers more about after pay. In short, the customers are in search of such stores that offer after pay. Another significant way that retailers can use to promote the store’s after pay is to get their store enrolled in the list of stores that offer After pay. It can simply require retailers to fill the form to get themselves registered in the name of companies that offer after pay.

Use afterpay to promote the brand

Retailers can promote afterpay in their promotional strategies. In case retailers are promoting seasonal promotions, they can use promote afterpay along with it. Further, if retailers are promoting themselves on social media, they can add hashtags of afterpay that shall promote their store and their inform the customers more about afterpay and their store.

Moreover, there are separate after pay events and holidays. In these events, retailers promote after pay. As a result, retailers offer great deals to customers through the after pay season.  Further, they also promote holiday season, for example, black Friday and several other such seasonal promotions.


After pay is a technique that is beneficial for both retailers and consumers. Further, it is evolving rapidly with the passing time. Therefore if retailers are lagging behind in offering after pay in their stores, they must start offering it in stores immediately. Further, if retailers are offering after pay in their stores, they should start promoting it more. As mentioned earlier, customers are in look for such stores that offer after pay. In addition, if retailers use an After pay integrated POS system, it will make the process more convenient and simplified for the retailers.