Customer Thinking & Opinions Retailers need to be aware of

customer thinking

One of the most significant elements when it comes to improving business is to know customers better and treating them the way they expect. That is to say, knowing customer thinking better will make retailers take the right decisions when it comes to selecting products and marketing them. Certainly, if customers are happy and satisfied the business will always thrive. So, retailers need to continuously put effort in understanding the customers. In this article, we shall discuss a few ways that shall help retailers know customer thinking.

Customer Thinking & Opinions

The Teranoid team has compiled for you some common and important customer thoughts and views regarding shopping. That is to say, what they expect and how they want their shopping experience to be. Further, we shall also discuss what retailers can do to fulfill the customer expectations.         

Customer Thinking #1: Having Exceptional Shopping Experience

Customer is concerned about the shopping experience that you provide to them. That is to say, the modern customer is smart. Consequently, they expect their shopping experience to be advanced. For example, they want smart payment methods. Secondly they also expect that they are informed about sales, promotions and new stock. So, for this matter, retailers need to gather the data so that they can keep in touch with the customers because not keeping in touch these days means losing the customer. That is to say, there are high chances of the customer moving on to the other brand because the competition is huge.

Knowing about the customer better will certainly give you information about the types of customers you have and what their needs and demands are. For example, retailers will know most customers are of a certain age and gender. Consequently, they can plan their merchandise accordingly. Further, you can also send them tailored messages based on their purchase history and likes.   

Customer Thinking #2: Get to know the customer thoughts regarding store

Talking about customer thoughts, you need to know what customer thoughts are regarding the store. That is to say, are the customers fascinated by the window displays? Do they like the store displays and products? Once you know customer thoughts on your store, you can plan accordingly. Further, you can also monitor and observe minutely customer reaction to store layout and various other elements. Consequently, retailers can plan their store accordingly and make use of such displays that make shopping easy and comfortable for the customers.     

Customer Thinking #3: Customers want you to engage with them

Having regular communication with the customer is essential because customers stay loyal to a brand that stays in touch with them. That is to say, the customers want the brand to not just appreciate them for being loyal but also inform them separately about the store latest news and updates such as sales, promotions and new merchandise. However, the tricky part is when retailers do not know how often they should contact the customers. So, for this, retailers can simply ask the employees. For example, while they shop or at the checkout. Further, retailers can also contact customers through email or text messages and know about it by conversing with them. It is through the POS System that retailers can collect and save customer information and contact them later.

On the other hand, you also need to make sure that you are not bothering the customers. That is to say, converse with them but not to an extent where they get annoyed and leave the store.


By knowing customer thinking and putting effort to make them happy is the goal of retailers. So have insights into customer expectations and needs is essential or retailers. Consequently, this makes the customer experience exceptional, which results in good sales.      

How to achieve the desired Retail Sales Target

Certainly, sales are important for retailers. Therefore, retailers do whatever they can in order to reach the retail sales target. However, the first and the basic step to achieve the retail sales target is to set the right sales target. Each company is different. Consequently, they shall plan their retail sales target accordingly. In other words, there are no set rules that retailers need to follow in order to set their sales targets.

Tips to achieve the desired Retail Sales Target

The Teranoid team has come up with some tips and ways that shall help retailers achieve the desired Retail target.    

Retail Sales Target should be achievable

Setting goals is tricky and requires attention and focus. That is to say, retail target must be achievable but they should not be so easy to achieve. In other words, they must be a bit challenging. By setting the right goals that are neither extremely challenging, nor too simple will make the staff work towards achieving it. In other words, the staff will be de-motivated if the goals set are difficult and not easy to achieve.     

Focusing on the Retail Sales Target

Once the retail target is set, retailers need to then work towards it. That is to say, just setting the goals is not enough. Encouraging the staff to continuously work towards achieving those goals is of equal importance. So, retailers must keep talking about the goals that they have to achieve every day. Further, an effective way to do this is to talk to the entire staff at the beginning of the day. Moreover, retailers also need to ask them about their progress so that the staff knows that they are answerable and that they cannot be lazy. Consequently, they will work better and more effectively. Moreover, this also motivates them to work better.

Share Sales Target  incentives & give employees bonuses  

Giving bonuses to employees is also necessary. It motivates employees and encourages them to work better. However, retailers need to take care that the incentives do not affect the working of the employees. That is to say, at times the employees are only interested in the incentive and bonuses. Consequently, they work only for the purpose of achieving and in doing so the quality of the work gets affected. So, retailers need to ensure that they keep check on the employees, and give bonuses and incentives only when the employee reaches the retail sales target. Further, retailers also need to ensure that the quality of the work must not be affected.    

Employee training for effective retail target goals

Training employees is essential when it comes to reaching the target sales. So, in case employees are not working efficiently despite motivation and encouragement, retailers must invest in training sessions. Further, when it comes to selling, the staff needs to be aware of how to sell products and what to sell the customers. So, it is necessary that retailers invest in proper employee training.  

How can Independent Retailers overcome their Challenges?

overcome retail challenges

Independent retailers certainly face retail issues. That is to say, in today’s world, independent retailers are facing challenges which no one talks about. Further, there have always been challenges for retailers in the past as well. But, the issues that retailers are facing today are different from the ones that they faced in the past.

Major Independent Retailers’ Challenges

A few of these major challenges include customer satisfaction. Certainly, this is one of the biggest retailer concerns today because today’s customer has become powerful. Powerful in the sense that it has become difficult to please and attract them. Further, competition is so strong that customers are more likely to shift to other brands in seconds. Moreover, customer satisfaction through technology is yet entire another entire topic that falls under independent retailers’ issues. Moreover, today’s customer is advanced. Secondly, technology is something that has great impact on today’s customer. So, one of the biggest challenges is to be advanced in terms of technology. For example, having effective inventory management system, modern and high tech POS System etc has become a must for retailers today.    

Ways to overcome Independent Retailers’ Challenges

Below we have discussed some useful ways that independent retailers can adopt in order to overcome their challenges.

Independent Retailers need to maintain Service Quality

One of the most significant ways for independent retailers to overcome their challenges is to maintain quality of the service and products. That is to say, they need to make their unique identity by working on their quality. In fact this can be one of their biggest strengths. Moreover, independent retailers are mostly on their own so they can focus more on providing good quality service. In addition, they deal with the customers themselves on daily basis. Consequently, they are the ones who are directly involved in customer dealing because their business is mostly family based. Consequently, they are passionate about what they do. So, maintaining quality can become one of their strengths and will give huge support to them.

Independent Retailers need to be quick in decision making

Certainly, independent retailers are on their own. That is to say, they do not have to consult partners or are answerable to head offices. So, working independently, gives them an edge. That is to say, they have to decide things on their own. Consequently, they do not have to spend hours and days waiting for the others approval, suggestion or orders. So, this is counted as another major strength for independent retailers. That is to say, they need to have quickness and smartness of mind so they know what they are doing and that they do so in less time. In short, they should be smart and active enough to take wise and instant decisions regarding their business.

Independent retailers need to Provide Variety and be Creative

Because of their local business, independent retailers can cater to the needs and requirements of the community and area where their store is located. That is to say, they can easily get to know the customers and know their needs. Consequently, they can plan their products and services likewise. So, it is easier for independent retailers to provide variety of products to the customers and to be creative in their product range. As a result, this will attract more customers and strengthen the independent retailers because customers are certainly looking for variety and excellence.     


To conclude, independent retailers are no different than others. That is to say, they can overcome the challenges that they face by adopting the above mentioned ways. If you are an independent retailer and have some more tips for others, do share them as we would like to know what challenges you are facing and what ways are you following to overcome the challenges.  

Driving Foot Traffic after the end of the lockdown

Driving Foot Traffic after the end of the lockdown

Things will take time to get normal after the lockdown has ended. Most importantly, when it comes to retail. Further, the foot traffic in stores will also not be the same as it used to be before COVID-19. Moreover, before retailers could hold in store events to promote foot traffic. However, such tactics are no more useful because COVID-19 is still there and worse than before. As a result, customers are still avoiding gatherings and life has still not turned to normal.

Therefore as the stores are gradually being opened and the lockdown in most countries has come to an end, retailers must prepare themselves for welcoming customers. More than that, they need to think of ways on how to attract the customers who are still fearful and afraid to go to public places.

Ways to drive Foot Traffic in Stores

The Teranoid team has come up with a few tips and ways that shall help retailers drive foot traffic to the stores.   

Drive Foot Traffic by taking safety measures

Certainly, if retailers want to attract customers towards the store, they must ensure safety and security for them. So, retailers need to implement safety measures such as maintaining physical distance, providing hand sanitizers and masks. Moreover these safety measures should also be practiced by the staff so that the customers feel safe. Further, ensure that the store is clean and is disinfected continuously.

In addition, ensure that the store is not overcrowded. That is to say, the number of customers attending the store at one time should be limited and restricted. Select the maximum number of customers that can enter the store at a time. Make the rest of the customers wait but do not make that waiting experience troublesome and frustrating. Try to entertain the customers in some way while they wait. However to save the customers from waiting, retailers can also take appointments and then schedule their visit according to safety and security measures.    

Exclusivity is the key to attract customers

Certainly, retailers need to be exclusive. That is to say, in order to entice the customers towards the store and to shop online, they need to give them some exclusive offers. For example, putting items on sale or marketing products that are offered for specific time. Certainly, customers are attracted towards products that are on sale and are for limited time. Therefore retailers need to think of such tactics that entice the customers to shop.

Drive Foot Traffic through Safe Placement of Merchandise

Certainly, there are retailers who cannot afford to offer sanitizers and masks to the customers. So, such retailers can make security measures by placing the store products far from each other. Further, plan the merchandise placement based on safety measures.   

Attractive Window Displays drive Foot Traffic  

Attractive window displays attract the customers. That is to say, customers will visit the store, if they find an item useful and attractive to them in the display. So make sure that the items placed in the window displays are useful, enticing and new. So, after retailers reopen their stores, they need to make the window displays more attractive than before. Moreover, the display should also be relevant and according to the current situation. As a result, customers should be able to relate to the products or the message displayed. That is to say, retailers should not simply think of their business and start promoting products. In fact they should display messages related to their security and the tough times that the whole world in going through. As a result, customers will be able to relate more to a brand that understands their state and are trying to lessen their stress by diverting their attention to other things. For example, making them realize that there is no harm in pleasing themselves if they shop because they deserve it.

Certainly, it is high time to;

“Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves.” – Steve Jobs

Is Great Content the key for better sales and increased customers?


Content can be a great way to sell online. That is to say, it is one of the most effective ways to impress customers and entice them to shop online. So, retailers certainly need to see what type of content they are using and if it’s really effective or not.

How to create Great Content?

In this article, we shall mention the tips that retailers and their content teams need to follow while they create content for the website.

Great Content does not have to be Lengthy

Certainly, no one is willing to read long paragraphs and unnecessary details. So, content creators need to make sure that they do not overdo their writings. That is to say, if something can be written in a few words, there is no need to write lengthy details about it. Use minimum words to convey the message. Further, the product information should be easy to find and read. That is to say, it should be along with the product so that the buyers do not find difficulty in finding information about the product. Certainly, the buyer will not put extra effort in searching for the information. Instead they shall simply move to another site.

“Writing isn’t about using big words to impress. It’s about using simple words in an impressive way.”  Sierra Bailey

Interact with the Buyer through Content

Think of the type of customers that you are catering to. Consequently, use the words accordingly. That is to say, we talk face to face with the customers in the store. Moreover, customers are looking for personalization. So, content creators should firstly make content targeting the type of audience that they cater to. Secondly, they should personalize messages for regular and loyal customers. Such customers usually have accounts on websites. Therefore the content creating team should send personalized messages to them as well through online customer service, while they shop through the website. Moreover, it is also through the POS System integrated with websites, that we are aware of the customers and their purchases. So by knowing about the regular customers through the POS System, the marketing teams too can attend to the customers in a better and more effective way.

Content should describe Product Usefulness

Benefits of the products should be explained explicitly. That is to say, customers need to know the details of the product that they will buy. For example, color, size, type, uses, product material, guarantee, etc. So, customers buy a product once they know its benefits and usefulness for them. So before writing content, content creators need to think about how useful the product is for the customers? How can you explain to them in simple words its usefulness in their daily life?

Content should be Skimmable

People have less time. They only want to know the information that they are looking for. So there should be subheadings so that the reader does not have to go through the entire piece of writing to find something that they are searching for. Moreover, the paragraphs should be small. Also, make use of appropriate images that also help the customers with the information they are looking for.

Correct usage of Words for Content

There are certainly describing words that are appealing to the senses and attract customer attention. If it’s a fabric, customers should know by the words how the fabric will feel and what its material looks like. Further, explicitly define the color so that they can imagine how the color would look like and if they should buy it or not.   

“Write so that people can hear it and it slides through the brain and goes straight to the heart” – 

Maya Angelou

Blog Content writing

Certainly, blog is an integral part of the website. Moreover, it helps make customers online. That is to say, the customers reach a site through blog writing and the use of effective keywords. Moreover, it keeps customers updated with the relevant information. Further, blog writing gives you the option to write about anything relating to the business and the products. So, get to know what people are interested in knowing. Consequently, write about it and keep the customers updated.    

How to simplify Mobile Commerce to Improve Customer Experience?

How to simplify Mobile Commerce to Improve Customer Experience?

Mobile Commerce is of great significance today. That is to say, there is no individual who does not have a mobile phone and is not actively using it. Therefore, we are all aware that the use of mobile is common. Moreover, people are using their mobile phones to search for products and to buy as well. Hence, mobile commerce is an area that retailers need to focus a lot on. Although, retailers are working a lot on mobile commerce, but still there is a long way to go.

How to Simplify Mobile Commerce

The Teranoid team has come up with a few ways that shall help retailers improve their customer experience.    

Mobile Commerce Tip #1: Simply the Site

There are many sites that are difficult for customers to navigate. That is to say, the sites do not appear perfect on the mobile screens. For example, at times the items are too small or big that the customer finds it difficult to search for a product or it leaves them frustrated. Moreover there are sites that do not open the categories of products or there are times when the time load is a lot. So, retailers, by taking care of these details, can make sites that are perfect and that do not cause the consumer to face difficulty and hence resulting in loss of sales. Therefore, retailers need to constantly keep updating their sites and overcome navigation issues.

Mobile Commerce Tip #2: Uncomplicated Search Tool

Usually the customers who are searching for products online through e-commerce stores do not have extra time for product search if they cannot find one. That is to say, these people might be on the move so things should be made simplified for them. Moreover, customers are not willing to spend a lot of time on searching products even if they are free. That is to say, they want to find the product instantly. Therefore, if they do not find this convenience on the site, they shall simple move to another site. So, retailers need to ensure that they are providing their customers speedy and easy to use search tool.

Another good idea is to have the search engine on every page of the site. As a result, it will become easier for the customers to find a product no matter where they are on the site. Moreover, there are search engines that provide auto correct facility. So, when customers enter the first alphabets of the product they are typing, the search tool automatically predicts the items they are looking for. As a result, this speeds up the process and saves the customers’ time.   

Mobile Commerce Tip #3: Provide Explicit Physical Store and Contact Details

Make the store’s address and phone number vivid. That is to say, retailers need to make these details easy to find for their customers. Further, retailers need to ensure that the users can easily make call or find the store on the map. Also, if they want to call the store or the customer service, it should just be a click away. That is to say, the contact number should not simply be stated. In fact, the customer should be able to make call just through a click. In the same vein, make the store address also clickable that directly leads them to the map and the store’s exact location.  

Mobile Commerce Tip #4: Connect all sales channels together

Connecting one sales channel with all the others is necessary when it comes to giving customers exceptional experience. Therefore retailers should not just isolate their mobile commerce. In fact they should connect their system with other channels. For example practicing buy online pick in store option. Further, the store experience should also be made seamless and inconvenient. That is to say, when the customers reach the store to pick their items, it should not be complicated and confusing. So, retailers can make a separate section of their store for picking up online orders.


Mobile commerce is equally important as is the brick and mortar stores. So, retailers need to make sure that their mobile commerce is fast, active and up to date. Further, retailers need to make their mobile commerce strategy strong so that the customers are provided exceptional experience.      

Just-in-time Inventory Method and ways to adopt it

Just-in-time Inventory Method and ways to adopt it

Just-in-time Inventory Method

The just-in-time inventory method is a popular method for retailers to manage their inventories and other supplies. There are large companies that are adopting the Just-in-time inventory method. In the same vein, small and medium businesses can also adopt this method to keep their inventory in control and by reducing costs.

This strategy differs from other inventory methods. That is to say, it orders the raw materials and links it to the production and manufacturing process. In other words, companies stock inventory and save them in excess. However, the Just-in-time inventory method helps manufacture only the required amount of products that are the company demand. As a result, there are no chances of waste, whether it’s the stock or the money. However, problems can occur when there is a sudden increase in demand.

Adopting the Just-in-time Inventory Method

The Just-in-time inventory method is basically a manufacturing process. However, this method is dependant on a few major components, which we shall discuss below. In other words, a few things are required to maintain and adapt the Just-in-time inventory method.   

Just-in-time inventory method requires sound and strong manufacturing process 

Retailers need to ensure that their system is well built and is controlling all the operations effectively. In other words, it requires a sound and disciplined processing method. That is to say, there should be any errors when it comes to the production method. Moreover, control of the inventory is also essential because otherwise, this will result in expenses. That is to say, employees need to know exactly the amount of inventory that needs to be used so that there are no hurdles in the manufacturing process.

Good Vendor relation is a must for Just-in-time inventory method

Certainly, a prerequisite for the Just-in-time inventory method is to have good ties with the vendor. As a result, vendors will be able to assume the cost of inventory. Further, they will also ensure that the products are available in time. Moreover, they will also ensure that the products are delivered on time. So in order to create a good relationship with the vendor, retailers need to plan ahead. That is to say, there are some factors that retailers need to think about while communicating with the vendors. In other words, retailers need to make long term goals. That is to say, they should not think of saving money at this point. So, by making long term contracts, retailers are making their business secure by making the stock available at all times.     

Just-in-time Inventory Method requires using the right technology  

The use of the right technology is essential when it comes to adopting the Just-in-time inventory method. It is through technology that adopting this inventory method has become way easier. Further, by continuously monitoring the inventory levels, retailers can purchase more stock from their vendors when needed. It is through the inventory management system that retailers can keep a record of the inventory. As a result, it becomes easier for them to know which products need to restock. Also, retailers should have such a POS System that keeps a record of the inventory. Consequently, they are able to deal with their inventory in a better and more effective way.    

How to Automate Store & Digitize Retail Business?

How to Automate Store & Digitize Retail Business?

In today’s digitized world, retailers need to automate store and make their business digitized. That is to say, they should no more indulge in manual tasks and spend more time in those tasks that require more attention. Moreover not using paper is good for the environment. Therefore by being paperless retailers will not just digitize and automate store, in fact they will do good to the society and environment as well.

How to Automate Store

Below we have mentioned a few ways and tips that shall help retailers automate their store.

Automate Store by digitizing the Inventory

Physically inventory counting is a must for all businesses. However retailers should not make it more difficult and tiring by manually counting the inventory through pen and paper. Therefore retailers must digitize their inventory counting system. That is to say, they should invest in tools that help them automate their business tasks. Retailers need to have POS System that helps them keep full record of inventory and is easily able to manage the inventory. As a result, retailers will save their time. Moreover there will be less chances of human error. Consequently the data will be accurate.

Automate Store by sending digitized receipts   

It is essential for retailers that they invest in a POS System that sends digitized receipts through emails. Further retailers can give the option to their customers regarding their print receipts. That is to say, if they want they can either get the receipt in print form or get it emailed to them. Moreover, today’s buyer is so advanced and well informed that they are most likely to accept receipts in digitized form. Consequently, they also help retailers increase their online customers. In other words, retailers can also make it a practice to add the link of their website and social media accounts at the end of the digitized receipts. This makes the customers click on the link and end up buying a product or two from the online store.

Automate Store by going paperless in managing customers

This is most essential for spas, salons, hospitals etc. That is to say, retailer should have a digitized system through which they can set customer appointments. So instead of manually writing details of the customers and managing client bookings, businesses should automate the store by automating this task of managing clients and setting their appointments. Consequently, managers can send them text messages or emails to notify them about any updating information.      

“Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends.”
– Walt Disney

Automate store by digitizing the Loyalty Programs  

Certainly, retailers need to digitize their loyalty programs as well. That is to say, retailers should no more use the physical inventory cards. In other words, retailers should use a POS-based or mobile-based loyalty program system. Moreover, a POS-based loyalty program does not need customers to carry cards. That is to say, customers simply need to tell the managers and store employees their name or contact number. Consequently, they will get the information of the customer regarding their loyalty points and can simply be applied to their bill.         

“Customer satisfaction is worthless. Customer loyalty is priceless.”
– Jeffrey Gitomer


Automating store makes business running more smooth and efficient. Also, it is through digitizing that the store and business can be found easily as they are stored in one place. Further, retailers can also keep a record of employee attendance and schedule. Now there is no more the need to manually insert information and spend hours searching for a product.     

Time Management Tips for Retailers

Time Management Tips for Retailers

Certainly time management is essential when it comes to handling businesses. Further there are so many tasks that retailers have to look after, therefore retailers find time management difficult. Hence having time management skills is very important when it comes to retail success. That is to say, the one who works in a retail store must be able to effectively manage time so all the essential tasks are completed in time.  

Time Management Tips

Below we have mentioned some essential time management tips that shall help retailers manage their time well and fulfill all their tasks successfully.

Time Management Tip #1: Make To-do lists

Certainly to-do lists help a lot with time management. Further they are simple to create and they do not demand any extra effort. Consequently there is no task that is left undone or forgotten. For this purpose, firstly retailer need to make it a habit that make the to-do list a day before. Consequently, it will help save time on the day when the tasks have to be accomplished. Moreover it will help prepare one’s mind in advance for the next day’s tasks. As a result, the person is more focused and active.

Secondly, retailers need to prioritize their tasks. That is to say, they should see which tasks are more important than the others. Consequently, they should list their tasks. That is to say, the tasks that are most important should be on top of the list and the ones that are of less importance should be at the bottom.

Thirdly, retailers need to see which hours of the day have less traffic. Consequently, they should plan their tasks. That is to say, retailers cannot afford to lose sales and customers while being busy in completing other tasks. So, tasks should be managed according to the customers because sales should not get affected.

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.”

Tony Robbins

Time Management Tip #2: Staff Training

Staff training is equally important. Therefore retailers need to see how they can train their staff well. That is to say, retailers cannot afford to waste their time in continuously examining and answering and solving employee queries. Therefore they need to make sure that they invest in staff training courses that shall resolve this matter. As a result, the staff should be competent enough to manage the store on their own without continuously coming to you for help.

Time Management Tip #3: Store Organization

Keeping the store organized and neat saves a lot of time and effort. That is to say, if there are missed items in the due to mismanagement and disorganization, it will take a lot of the retailers’ time and energy. Therefore having an organized and neat store saves a lot of time and helps retailers manage their stock and inventory the right way.   

Secondly retailers need to ensure that they label the boxes and cartons. As a result, they will not find it difficult to search for a product. Also make sure that the slow moving inventory is placed behind and the fast moving inventory is placed at the front of the store.

Time Management Tip #4: Automate Operations

Certainly retailers should use tools that help them in their business. In other words, these tools must be able to streamline their business operations. For example a Point of Sale System simplifies a lot of tasks for retailers. In the same vein, there is inventory management software. It helps in managing inventories effectively and without handling operations manually. Further by operating these tasks, retailer can also reduce their expenses along with saving their time.     

“A plan is what, a schedule is when. It takes both a plan and a schedule to get things done.”

Peter Turla